Category: Process Servers

Understanding Financial Compliance for Process Servers

The world has changed drastically in the past few decades. Not only that, but a series of economic downturns, specifically those in 2008 and 2020, have impacted industries all over the country. In response, federal and state governments have passed new financial compliances laws and regulations. These guidelines not only impact financial institutions and law… Read more »

How to Serve Process with Military Members

With most individuals, serving process is a straightforward transaction. A process server will use various tools and resources to find the individual, and then they will go to their place of residence to serve papers. However, things become more complicated when military members are involved. Since military members make it their job to protect our country, they… Read more »

How to Choose the Right Process Server

A process server is an integral part to any case. You need the right one to ensure success, but finding the right one can be difficult. Not only does a process server need the right qualities, but they also need to have the right qualifications. Below are some of the ways you can find the… Read more »

Process Service and Diplomatic Immunity: How Does It Work?

Serving process to individuals living in or from foreign countries is fraught with complications. One of those complications is if an individual has diplomatic immunity. While uncommon, there may come a time when you have to serve papers to a foreign diplomat. In these cases, process servers have to take the following steps. What is… Read more »

What to Know About Out-of-State Process Service

Many people believe that out-of-state process service is complicated. At Reliant we make out of state process service appear seamless and straightforward. Being that Reliant Court Services is a member of the National Association of Professional Process Servers (NAPPS), we have strong relationships with other professional process servers throughout the nation who are bound by… Read more »

How to Tell if Someone is Actually a Process Server

If someone shows up at your door claiming to be a process server, how can you tell that they are actually a process server? Unfortunately, door-to-door scams are a real problem. So, before you convey any information, read over these tips on how to tell if that process server at your door is who they… Read more »

Process Server vs. Sheriff: Which is Best?

There are two ways to serve process. One is through a private process server; the other is through a sheriff. While relying on the sheriff’s department to serve your papers can be cheap, there are reasons why most people rely on a private process server. Not only is it quicker, but you receive better and… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions About Process Service

Process service is a commonly used procedure in the legal and real estate fields. However, many people don’t understand what process service is and how it works. Here we answer the most frequently asked questions regarding process service in order to help you better understand this crucial service. What kinds of documents are delivered by… Read more »

Understanding Your Affidavit of Service

An Affidavit of Service—also known as a Proof of Service or Declaration of Service—is a vital legal document for serving process. If you have hired a process server to track down a defendant, then you will be given an Affidavit of Service once their services are completed. Here is everything you need to know in… Read more »

How to Serve Process with an Incorrect Address

Having a correct address is crucial in order to properly serve process. However, there may be an instance where the address on file is outdated or completely incorrect. In these cases, process servers must turn to other means to track down the individual.  Why an address may be incorrect  There are a number of reasons… Read more »